In the app navigation, we will show you a list of pages that are available to every user after logging in (from left to right):

1. Gifts

On this page you can find the list of the available gift cards, along with instructions on how to redeem them. On the top of the page, you can find the number of points you currently have.

2. Friends

Here, you can search and add new friends, as well as take a look at the list of your friends.

3. Earn

In the earn menu, you can find the available earning methods. Choose the one appropriate for you and click the yellow Earn Points button to start earning points.

4. Profile

On this page, you can see all the details of your profile. On the top of the page, you can see name, username, avatar and the number of points you have on your account. Below, you can see the Earnings section. Here you can see the number of all the points you have. Below, you can see the most recent items you have acquired in Roblox. Make sure to connect your BestPoints – Get Robux Gift Cards account with your Roblox account to synchronize them!

5. Settings

In the settings menu, you can connect your BestPoints – Get Robux Gift Cards account to your Roblox account by pasting your Roblox username into the ‘Connect with Roblox’ textbox and clicking the ‘Connect’ button. Below, you can manage your Notifications and privacy settings, as well as change the language of the app. On the bottom of the page, you can find the Log Out button, as well as direct links to our Contact form and Terms of Service & Privacy Policy.